Chomp helps you find food that's compatible with your diet. We check the ingredients so you don't have to!
Simply search for food, or scan a barcode, to instantly check if the food has any ingredients you're avoiding.
We automatically determine if a food is vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, or if it has any ingredients you want to avoid.
Chomp also lets you enter your own ingredients to avoid. We then tell you if we find that ingredient in a food. This is perfect for vegetarians who want to avoid eggs, people with peanut sensitivities, or anyone who just wants to avoid an ingredient or two.
Chomp is built on an advanced diet-grade algorithm that checks for ingredients that have been identified as not being compatible with vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free diets. We show you what ingredients our algorithm flagged, and why.
Our color-coded diet grades show you if we found any ingredients that you're trying to avoid.
Green: Indicates that we are confident that the food, or ingredient, is compatible with a diet.
Yellow: Used when we are uncertain if a food, or ingredient, is compatible with a diet. Yellow is also used if we’re missing the data we need to make a decision.
Red: Represents that we are confident that the food, or ingredient, is not compatible with a diet. These are foods with ingredients you may want to avoid.
Chomp empowers people to eat better, avoid certain ingredients, and learn more about what's in their food. We also help you discover vegan food, vegetarian food, and gluten-free food so you can better follow your diet plan.
We answer the following questions:
Is it vegan?
Is it vegetarian?
Is it gluten-free?
Does it have any "bad" ingredients?
Our algorithm is continually being improved and is very accurate. However, we always recommend that you double-check the ingredient label. If you do notice any discrepancies or errors, please contact us.